Content writing, SEO, and other stuff with words

Content Editing & Re-writing

Have some words but want to change how they sound? Or some old copy that could do with livening up? Leave it to our content editors. Our content editing services will transform your website copy into something that your brand is proud to be associated with.

Content editing and re-writing

It’s ok to admit that your website content, digital assets and marketing materials are looking a bit tired and aren’t working as hard as they could be to deliver results.

But it’s not ok to just ignore the problem and let your business settle for less than its full potential.

Great website content and copy should:

  • Help new customers find out about your product or service through organic search
  • Tell people why they should take notice of your business
  • Connect with your target audience on a personal level
  • Express your brand personality

And our content editing services are not just limited to your website. For the very best results, you should ensure all your online and offline assets are properly and uniformly edited. This includes:

  • Websites
  • Blogs
  • Guest posts
  • Social media profiles and posts
  • Emails
  • Ebooks, white papers, reports, etc.
  • Leaflets and brochures
  • Anything else representing your business

Are you talking to me?

It may be that you need to re-write your copy for a specific audience. For example, if you’re addressing an international audience of non-native English speakers it’s no good having content that’s crammed full of idioms and obscure words. They just won’t get it. And Baby Boomers will connect with a different style of language to Millennials. So one of the first questions we’ll ask you when we start working together is “Who is this content for?”. Or “At whom is this content aimed?”, if you prefer things the traditional way.

How’s your SEO?

Your copy doesn’t just speak to humans; it also speaks to the search engine robots that crawl your site to work out what it’s all about and who would be interested in what you have to offer. We’ll make sure your keywords are naturally present in your digital copy – whether it’s your website, social media pages or blogs – so search engines can easily find your content and deliver it in the right search results.

If you haven’t yet set up a blog to boost your search rankings, you might also be interested in our content writing services.

Content editing & re-writing prices

Partial edit Full re-write
Checking for errors, word choice, etc. Yes Yes
Adding keywords for SEO* Yes Yes
Changing tone of voice Yes, occasional words or phrases Yes, completely incorporated
Cost per 1,000 words $60 $80

All prices in USD.

*We can conduct one-off keyword research for your business for a fee of $80.

So, if you have a website or other content in need of a good edit, just contact us with your requirements so we can confirm the price and get to work.